IRWIN 38906 Wood Bit 3/8" x 12" With Bellhanger Shaft

PN / IRW-3812 *

Installer / Bell-Hanger / Fishing Bit
Ideal for installing all types of small wire systems including computer, security, phone, and cable. With 12", 18" and 24" lengths they provide extra reach where needed and a hole in the tip to help pull wires through holes. Non-stick coated flutes

Straight Shank Installer Bits Features:

  • Hole in flute for easy wire pulling through walls, ceilings and floors
  • 3-flatted shank prevents slipping in drill chuck and includes hole for wire pulling*


  • 82° point for fast, smooth drilling in wood


  • Tungsten carbide tip for extended life in brick, block and mortar joints


  • 118° chisel point for easy starts and fast drilling in metal, wood or plastic


Ideal for installing all types of small wire systems including computer, security, phone, and cable. With 12", 18" and 24" lengths they provide extra reach where needed and a hole in the tip to help pull wires through holes. Non-stick coated flutes